
目前分類:Li's Graphic Art and Writing (12)

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I used Autodesk iPad app - Sketchbook to draw this work. It's an easy-to-learn app. The price is also competitive. 



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Lately, I'm addicted to iPad. It consumes most of my free time. Doing some work on it makes me feel better. This time, I used Inkpad to do the king chameleon.


The King Chameleon

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Old Man & Pink Cat

This illustration was started many years ago but I'd never finished it until now. The original idea didn't put the pink cat there but a short dark skin brother under the pale man. It was inspired by an Chinese tale ‘Qi Ye Ba Ye'. Well, it ended up with this version.

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This drawing was done few years ago. Somehow, I still feel what I felt each time when I look at it. Free will sometimes is a luxury for most people. The scariest thing is that after being suppressed for a period of time, we end up like caged birds, lost the faith of free will...

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This work was finished about a month ago. I was inspired by the name of recent famous novel series - Warriors. I spent some time to fix the color management between Photoshop and Painter. I'm glad it was fixed finally.

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Another exercise of gold fish. This time I chose colour pens to do it. After uploading this post, I'm going to drive some plants back from a friend's garden. I'm excited about it.

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This gold fish collage work was a sample for kids, though their topic wasn't gold fish but giraffe. I took a photo of it and edited it in Photoshop and Painter.  It was fun to do it!

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Untitled - 無題

Tomorrow will be this year's mid-autumn festival (Chinese calendar date: the 15th day of every years' eighth month). For many people, their family members or close friends will gather together at this special night. Therefore, foods and drinks are the must! Happy mid-autumn festival whether you are meeting your families or friends.

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We often make a movement to get away of the unsatisfied current situation, but often, we start feeling being trapped again after novelties become familiar. It is funny the meaning of situation is given by people. People took things differently, the worst happenings for some can be turning points for some others. Are we stepping into another trap or just out of current one for good?

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It's not necessary to explain ourselves to others. However, life isn't easy for most of us when there are too much noise of being misunderstood. We are often forced to give up our principles so that we can go through those difficult time in our lives.

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